Frontmatter variables

For each page you can set these variables in the frontmatter:

  • title - The main heading of the page. This text will be rendered as the <h1> tag
  • eleventyNavigation - allows to add the page to the navigation menu. There is a separate page for it.
  • showSiteTitle - if true, hides the site title. This option is useful if you want to minimize distraction of a visitor from the content
  • date - the publication date. This date is shown after the post's title in a blog posts list (/blog and /blog/all routes). Note that you can disable publication date displaying with showPostDate variable in the _meta.js file.
  • toc - if true, shows a table of content at the beginning of a page
  • description - short description of a page. Used for open graph's description tag.
  • image - open graph's thumbnail image