Content. Blog

All blog posts are located in the content/blog directory and accessible through the /blog URL.

The minimum frontmatter for a blog post should include a title parameter:

title: Content. Blog

Blog posts order

Besides title, it's highly recommended to add a date to the frontmatter:

title: Content.Blog
date: 2023-01-02

This is highly recommended because posts are ordered by the date that was set in the frontmatter. If it's omitted, file's creation date will be used instead.

How to exclude a post from the list

If you want to exclude a post from the posts list, add excludeFromCollections: true to the frontmatter.

How to hide the site's title on some blog post?

Add showSiteTitle: false to the post's frontmatter.

Limit blog posts for the /blog URL

When a user click on the "blog" navigation menu, he'll see a postsCount last posts and a button that navigates to the full list. You can set postsCount in the _data/meta.js file.

Hide publish dates in the posts list

Set showPostDate: true in the _data/meta.js file.